
*Note: This schedule is tentative. Life constantly presents so many opportunities and throws way too many curve-balls to make a set-in-stone itinerary. Plus, anyone who knows us knows we're terrible at making concrete plans ;)

But, this is what we're looking at so far...

We will arrive in Quito, Ecuador on October 7th and spend the first 5 weeks at the orphanage For His Children, including one week at the Latacunga site as wellThen, we will spend 4 weeks (and Renae's 23rd birthday) exploring Ecuador, from the coast to the jungle, meeting up with some Peace Corps volunteers for one of the weeks along the way to assist them with their environmental work and english classes. Then, after one more week in Latacunga, its back to Quito for a few days to help Pastor Fabian at a church in the slums of the city called Carmen Bajo. We will travel back to the coast to celebrate Christmas with some new friends and then pack up for the next leg!

We fly out of Ecuador on December 28th, have an overnight layover in Chile, then arrive in Córdoba, Argentina on the 29th. We will stay in the city for 2 months while Renae takes part in an internship opportunity with a bird ecologist from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She will be a student assistant to graduate students working on various projects in the field, labs, and the Cordoba Zoo. Jenna will volunteer with the Ronald McDonald House and the Children's Hospital. Also, we will help with a 6-week summer children's program through a local community center. We will live in a foreigner house in the city during these weeks. At the end of February, we will travel 8 hours southwest for the annual Mendoza Wine Festival. Mid-March, we return north to meet up with some NDSU friends for a week of traveling the coast and Buenos Aires. After they fly out, we will bus across northern Argentina, and pass through Chile, on the way to Peru. 

We will bus into Lima, Peru in the beginning of April and live at a home there in the city for 4-6 weeks. We will be volunteering at Monterrico Christian School, a children's home, and with a program for the deaf and disabled of the community called Sin Fronteras ("Without Borders"). After our time there, and for the last month or so, we will explore Peru and look for other opportunities to help along the way. Our flight out of Lima is on the 17th of June, when we will head back to the states to tell our story... (and maybe write a book?!)

Our Volunteering Sites

For His Children 

Orphanage in Quito and Latacunga, Ecuador
"For His Children (FHC) is an evangelical Christian residential ministry to homeless children with normal needs and special needs in Ecuador. Currently, 40 to 50 children are cared for in two residential care homes in north-east Quito and a home in Latacunga, in the Province of Cotopaxi. The environment provides physical and emotional support, spiritual nurturing, and lots of tender loving care. The residents of FHC range from newborn to 18 years of age." We will spend time living at both the Quito and Latacunga sites, helping with trips outside the facilities, meal times, physical therapy, and whatever else we are needed for.

Carmen Bajo Church
In Slum town of Quito, Ecuador
Pastor Fabian Erazo and the Carmen Bajo Church are "currently in the construction of a new church/medical clinic facility that will expand their outreach in the community as they work towards spiritual transformation among their neighbors." We will spend some days there helping in the pre-kinder classroom and serving lunch to the over 200 neighborhood kids who come for a nutritional meal every afternoon.

Peace Corps Team Station
Santa Clara, Ecuador
We will a couple in the Peace Corps stationed in the small jungle town of Santa Clara with their numerous projects, including English classes, First-aid courses, and an after school children's program.

Univerisdad de Córdoba
University in Córdoba, Argentina
Renae will be volunteering for, and learning under, a bird ecologist and UNC professor named Susana Peluc. Susana supervises some UNC students' final projects for which Renae will be helping as a student assistant in the field: collecting data and completing observations of targeted bird species.

Applied Zoology Center
Zoo de Córdoba
Renae will also partake as an assistant to UNC graduate students working in the Applied Zoology Center within Cordoba's zoo. The research is on Rhea, looking at hormone levels, stress responses, and environmental effects. 
Zoo: https://www.facebook.com/zoocba
Centro de Zoologia Aplicada: http://www.efn.uncor.edu/departamentos/cza/index.htm

Ronald McDonald House
Santisimo Trinidad Children's Hospital in Córdoba, Argentina
Jenna will volunteer under the Ronald McDonald Foundation in a new  waiting room in the Children's Hospital. The room was recently built for the parents and families of children receiving intensive therapy as a space to accommodate their needs during this hard time. Jenna will be there to assist the Ronald McDonald team, and the families, during the first weeks of the  waiting room's opening.
Ronald McDonald: http://www.casaronald.org.ar/argentina/sp/index.html
Children's Hospital: http://hospitaldeninos.com.ar/ 

G.A.N.A.S. Foundation
Córdoba, Argentina
G.A.N.A.S. -Grupo de Ayuda a Ninos y Adultos en Soledad, is a volunteer-run foundation with the objective of reaching out to children and adults in need of help, most of whom are living on the streets. They help the people in need by distributing food, clothing, hygiene products, and by providing needed documentation for the people to pursue jobs. We will help to distribute food on Tuesday and Thursday nights to the people living on the streets. 

Community Center
Los Sauces neighborhood, Córdoba, Argentina 
We will be assisting a team of university students from across the world volunteering through a program called AIESEC. We will accompany them to a community center outside Cordoba and help with a summer children's program for 6 weeks.

Without Borders International (Sin Fronteras)
Lima, Peru
"In keeping with our mission statement, we feel called to work closely with the deaf and disabled communities in Lima, Peru to provide basic needs and services. In the process of providing these services, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and share the Good News of the gospel."

Monterrico Christian School
English-Immersion School in Lima, Peru
"Monterrico Christian School serves the professional class of Lima, Peru by offering English immersion from preschool (age 4) through elementary and bilingual program in secondary.
We are looking for teachers who love God and want to serve Him by teaching our students all about Him, His love, and plan of salvation, as presented in the Holy Scriptures.
 strives to impart an excellent education, preparing students academically for this competitive world.  We partner with the parents in “Forming Lives of Integrity.”

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