Friday, June 28, 2013

The first steps..

June 21st, 2013
Emailing contacts in Ecuador and Chile 
As of now, planning to be in Ecuador October-December, Argentina January-March, and Chile April-June 

Pastor Fabian and his wife run the Carmen Bajo church in Quito and he says we can come stay for however long we would like, they have a lot of work for us to do there! We'll have to start laying out a timeline as we get more sites.

May 17th, 2013
Met with Dr. Bob Brunsvold, an anesthesiologist from Fargo who coordinates trips to Ecuador for Concordia students. Luckily, he said he would help us plan our stops in Ecuador as well! He has many contacts at different sites
Quito: Casa Adalia shelter for girls, Casa Gabriel home for street boys, El Refugio retreat center, and Carmen Bajo Church in the slums
Shell: Casa de Fe home for children
San Lorenzo: Medical Center Compound for the Medical Missions week in Feb.
We plan to meet with Bob throughout the summer to set the sites up for Ecuador, which would be our first stop. Now we just need to buy the plane tix to Quito... $$$

May 5th, 2013
Met with the Head of the Biology Dept at NDSU, Wendy Reed, and told her of our plans, she hooked us up with a contact down in Argentina: Susana Peluc, an ecology and ornithology researcher who also teaches at the University in Cordoba. She contacted me (Renae) about the research she is conducting during the year and said she'd love to have me intern for her! I hope Jenna can find something similar in her field with the University as well while were there! We'll have to check into work visas i think.. 
P.s. Graduation in 6 days!

Nov 27th, 2012
Contacting centers and setting a timeline. Plane tickets look like they'll be around $650. It'll be about 8 months and 5 different cities for volunteer opportunities.. So unreal.
Getting closer to winter break... almost halfway done with Senior year already! 

Aug 27th, 2012
Day one of the website! The planning has officially begun. 

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