Monday, August 26, 2013

Like a Bow and Arrow

Well, we had another very successful garage sale this weekend: this time in Renae's hometown of Mound, MN. We are very grateful to the Pool's for letting us set up truckloads of donated clothes and toys in their yard for the weekend. Over Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we made $1836, which puts us over the the $5000 mark for fundraising...WOW! And we couldn't have done it without all the help from friends and family. It's amazing to think about how many people have already chosen to be a part of our journey, and how many people have invested a piece of themselves in our dreams... and the actual trip has yet to begin! It's a very humbling feeling, and I feel full of both excitement and responsibility, to make the most of everyone's faith and support, and to make the absolute biggest impact possible.

Renae's sister Elena helping make signs

Just like at the sale in Grand Forks, we collected people's stories, advice, and well wishes along with the money. It's crazy how many people either know someone who has, or they themselves have gone on an adventure similar to ours. And what they have to say always seems to fall along the same lines: it's a great experience, and it will change your life forever. I don't have many complaints about my life so far, but I'm sure the change will still be for the better. My born-and-raised North Dakotan viewpoint is about to get a bit of a shock, that's for sure... And I can't wait!

Side Note: NDSU starts classes tomorrow, all my friends are buying notebooks and printing off schedules, and I'm on campus surrounded by freshmen, all of whom seem so excited and energetic. Based on how sad I was on my last day of school in May, I thought I would be way more sad to not be a part of it all once classes rolled around again. And as excited as I am for all of these seemingly tiny new college kids, it definitely feels right to not join their ranks. I have loved my time in Fargo so, SO much, but I'm finally feeling like it's time to move on. The world is at my fingertips, and I can't wait to explore it. Plus, like my friend Zach said to me tonight, "just like an arrow in a bow, you can't move forward toward your goal, toward your target, until you let go of what's holding you back." So as hard as it sometimes is to leave a part of your life behind, especially if it was an awesome one, you can't take the next leap ahead until you do. So for now, I'll leave all that studying to those eager freshmen (yes, you actually have to study in college), the cheering to the Bison fans (national championship #3 coming our way!), and the easy-going college lifestyle to all of those out there living it. It's a great time of life so live it up, but you better believe it only leads to bigger and better things. And those things can come in many forms, so decide what makes you happy, or what your dream is, or how you can attempt to change the world for the better, and make it happen.

Over and out,
Jenna Flynn

P.S. 41 days and counting

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