Saturday, July 13, 2013

Garage Sale # 1

Our first garage sale was a success! 

We held a sale today at Jenna's parents house in Grand Forks, ND. It was busy the entire time and we ended up with a lot more than we ever could have imagined! A great part of it was due to our donation rocks, which we've been painting all summer to show our appreciation for those who have some faith in us :)

Not only did we make some good trip funds, we met some awesome people! A lot of people shared their experiences travelling down in S. America and gave us words of wisdom! Everyone was very excited for us, which gives us so much encouragement! Thank you very much to everyone who was able to make it today. We appreciate your generosity and support greatly. And a special shout out to Jen's parents, Jeff and Ann, for hosting the party today!

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