Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Peru Plans

The doors are opening in Peru!

We received confirmation that we will get to work on a reforestation project right outside Machu Picchu in April! The project is an ecological reserve called Jardines de Mandor and the focus is the conservation and rebuilding of some of the natural habitat in the area. I am obviously ecstatic….

For the project, they design programs for volunteers to focus on their interests. I will be doing research on flora and fauna and helping with conservation efforts, while Jenna is going to help the project’s supervisor, Erwin, implement a new biodiversity guide program!

So, we will continue into Cusco, Peru sometime in early April and make our way up to Machu Picchu! SO unreal.

Also, we've been getting in touch with some more awesome Peruvian contacts…
We were connected with a Pastor from Peru who lives in Minnesota and knows a lot of great opportunities to help in Lima. I spoke with him a few days ago, and he got us in touch with the principal of an elementary school called Monterrico Christian School where we may be able to assist the teachers and work with the kids
Another prospect: a house for the deaf and disabled of the community run by Without Borders International, which sounds like a great place to spend some time! We will be in contact to see if we're needed there next spring.

Lots of amazing people out there doing great things; it's a blessing to see the openness they have for the two of us to help out :) 

Send us some good thoughts that the rest of the planning goes this smoothly!


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