Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1st blog from down unda


It feels like we've been gone forever, for how much has happened so far, so it's crazy to think it's only our second full day here in Quito. We had a couple pretty good days of traveling, and even got an awesome 22 hour layover in NYC, which happens to be where a couple of our favorite people are. So I got to experience the city for the first time, and got to explore Central Park and Times Square. Then back on the plane we went, and arrived in Quito around 10:00 at night, after only a few minor mishaps. (We might have wasted the last money on our metro cards going down the wrong subway station and part of Renae's bag may or may not have gone in the airport toilet. Plus my bag was lost somewhere and has yet to arrive in Ecuador, but supposedly it should be here in the next couple of days, so cross your fingers that comes true). After the whole missing luggage debacle, we met up with Jen and Andrea from FHC, who drove us the hour through the city to the orphanage. It was awesome to see all the lights of the city... it's SO huge! We're definitely not in North Dakota anymore... When we got to the orphanage we were shown to our house for the next few weeks. That's right, OUR house! It's a cute little 4 bedroom place in a compound with the orphanage's therapy pool, right across the street from the main buildings. Needless to say, after talking about how spoiled we were with the living conditions for about a minute, we crawled straight into bed.

We started yesterday off right with some delicious rolls from the bread store on the corner (20 cents each, can't beat that!) before getting a tour of the orphanage's property and the neighborhood around it, which for the most part is fairly safe. We got to meet a few of the Tias who are the full-time caretakers here, and got to spend some time with the babies in the baby house. Obviously I don't need to say it, but they are all absolutely adorable. We got to help feed them lunch, but apparently didn't feed them fast enough, since they kept falling asleep in their high chairs and had to be woken up to finish their food. It was pretty hilarious, but today we definitely tried to speed it up a bit! We spent the rest of the day napping, getting acclimated, and having a delicious dinner at Jen's apartment along with another long-term volunteer, Amanda.

This morning we got to hang out with the babies again: Renae got to take them swimming, which she said they all loved, and I got to dress, feed, and put to sleep the youngest baby here, a 3 or 4 week old little girl. We have been SO all over the place ever since we got here, holding her was a great reminder of why we're here and of what really matters amidst all the craziness. She is the most perfect, precious little thing I've ever held, and I am so lucky to be able to love up on her and be a part of her life, even for such a short amount of time. I can't imagine what made someone feel the need to abandon such a sweet, gorgeous little girl, but she really is at a great place here, and will hopefully be adopted by her perfect family in the future.

Other highlights so far have been meeting different people, hearing about the awesome things to do around here (supposedly we get to go to Tia Alicia's farm to help skin guinea pigs or “cuy” soon, but we're not really sure how to feel about that one), and practicing our Spanish. (I'm realizing my Spanish has a looooong way to go, it's worse than I even thought!) But the Tias are patient with us, and I got to practice with a volunteer from the university here yesterday, who wanted to practice her English as well. Hopefully we will improve quickly!

Well, we're headed off to attempt the city bus for the first time, and to volunteer at a soup kitchen for a few hours, so gotta go... more soon I'm sure! At this rate, we'll need to blog twice a day to get everything down!

Love and miss you all already,

P.S. I can't believe we're actually here! AHHHHH!!!

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