Sunday, November 3, 2013

Orphan Sunday

Today, November 3rd, is Orphan Sunday. Even if I had known this day existed before now, I can say it definitely means a lot more to me now than it ever would have before. Tomorrow marks a full month down here in Ecuador (crazyyyy, I know!), and the majority of the time so far has been spent with some of the most AMAZING kids, making the orphan crisis in this country seem so very personal. We've met so many precious kids, heard their stories, and our hearts have broken for them time after time. But more importantly, we've gotten to see how much love and life these kids have to offer. Many of the children here have been through more in their few years, or even months, of life than the rest of us have in all of ours, yet they are still so happy and full of affection. It is SO inspiring and perspective-altering to be a part of. 

This is a video we watched in church this morning:

So make sure and say an extra prayer today for all those cuties out there in need of a home. They really do deserve the world. And know that there are a million ways to help, whether it's a prayer, adoption, child sponsorship, some time volunteering, or anything else you can come up with! One cause in particular is pretty close to the heart for us: there is a family in the U.S. who is raising money to be able to adopt a little girl we've gotten to know here in Quito. Here's the link so you can read a little about her story and help them out if you feel the urge!

I also know For His Children is always looking for people to sponsor the kids here both for education and living expenses, so check into that too if you want!

Thanks for reading and we'll try to blog again this week so we can fill you all in on the details from our week at FHC Latacunga... It was crazy fun, I'll tell you that much! 

Have a good week errybody!

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